If your home is in need of foundation repair Arlington, Texas , there are a few things you need to know. The first thing to know is how to identify signs that your foundation is moving. If you find any of these signs, you may need to have the damage fixed. Read on to find out what is foundation repair, what causes it, and the costs involved.
Stabilizing your home’s foundation
Stabilizing your home’s foundation can help your home’s structural stability. Traditionally, this meant raising the home off of footers and pouring concrete into the cracks to create a level area. However, today there are many different techniques for repairing your foundation.
Identifying structural damage
Identifying structural damage is the first step in any foundation repair job. It’s easy to overlook cracks in the walls and ceiling, but larger cracks can indicate more serious damage. Cracks in the brick, exterior sheetrock, and the wall-ceiling junction are all common signs of foundation damage.
Cost of foundation repair
A simple crack in the foundation can cost anywhere from $300 to $800 to repair. Small cracks can be filled in with cement or a waterproofing solution. More extensive cracks will require piers or steel reinforcement.
Signs of foundation problems
There are a variety of signs that a home may have foundation problems. These can be visible on walls, door frames, and other vertical surfaces. If you suspect that your home may have foundation problems, contact a foundation repair expert.
Getting an onsite inspection
When it comes to foundation repair, getting an onsite inspection is an essential step in the process. It allows you to plan and prepare for the repairs. The cost of getting an inspection depends on the amount of time that it takes. Many contractors include the cost of the inspection in their final bill. But you can get a free inspection if you wish to save money.